Casino in New Zealand is legalized by the Government of NewZealand. Though the island nation authorizes land-based casinos but outlaws the online casino industry. The Casino has to comply with the state regulations and maintain complete adherence to the law. The houses are stricter when it comes to imposing the restrictions implied by the government that can attract huge fines or even cancellation of the license. These rules differ from place to place depending upon the location of the Casino and usually, the houses mention the rules and regulations(Watch now) on their websites and other boards.
Age restriction:
Though the Government of NewZealand does not allow the online casinos to operate from the country, Kiwis are free to play in an online casino as long as it’s based outside of the nation. There is no certain restriction on that. Depending upon the law, the age restriction may differ but usually, gambling is not allowed under the age of 18 or in some cases, can stretch up to 21. Like the land-based casino, online casinos impose these restrictions and are strict about the credibility of their players by requiring them to provide proper proof of their age.
Sports betting and casinos:
Kiwis are free to step into a land-based casino unless they are what state defines as underage. However, the age of adulthood in terms of Gambling is set to 20 years old but an 18-year-old person is allowed to indulge in sports betting.
Online gambling:
The gambling commission that regulates the casino industry in New Zealand criminalizes any sort of remote gambling within the borders of the nation. Having that said, but as long as the platform is based outside of NewZealand, Kiwis can bet on the platform. The rules only apply to the country and the platform that operates outside of the nation cannot be accounted for. That means citizens of NewZealnad can register at an online casino hassle-free. Usually, these websites maintain reliable credibility and have strong rules about its regulations on age.
The laws that outlaw the online industry in NewZealand are more about not allowing the home online industry to begin and have no such law that prohibits Kiwis from playing on an international online casino. As long as they’re of age, they can play on any platform they like. The age restrictions will matter because these casinos are based out of Newzealand but mostly people who are above 18 should already get in the casino.
The authorities of NewZealand maintain a strict policy about Gambling. Regulated by Gambling commission, industry disbands people under 18 to indulge in any kind of gambling. Though they can’t do that online on websites maintained out of the nation. The laws regarding privacy and age change and depending upon the home country of the casino, the player ages can matter. In a few places, it can be 18 and in other places its 21.
Land-based casinos and online casinos (based out of New Zealand) both segregate adults from the underage. The regulations regarding age are thoroughly implemented as it may attract penalties from the law.
As long as you are an adult according to the law and the casino is based out of New Zealand, there is nothing to worry about. Many of the online Casinos accept NZD. And the fun fact is that your winning are completely yours and the government doesn’t get to have a single penny out of it. The acceptance of NZD offers the Kiwis ease of transaction and saves them from the money exchange headache.
Usually, Land-Based casino imposes a regulation that allows people who are 20 years old to enter the Casino. However, no such specific regulation is in the case of the online Casinos. They usually matter on the home country of the Casino and as long as you’re an adult by the law, you’re free to play in on an international casino. You need not worry about your money as you can deposit and withdraw your money in NZD which saves you from the extra headache of money exchange. In other words, whether the Casino is a home-based or outside of your country, it should cater to your pay-out options.